All in Paul's Perspective

Step by Step Guide to Writing a Listicle

First off you may be curious as to what a listicle actually is. For those of you who don’t know a listicle  is just a way of writing an article that presents information in a list format. These types of articles are a popular way to convey information to a broad audience. So, without further ado here’s your step by step guide to writing a listicle.

10 Tips For Creating YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts is a newer section of YouTube that is meant to be a competitor to Instagram Reels and TikTok. With the future of TikTok in jeopardy and Instagram having unclear financial benefits, you may want to start making YouTube Shorts. Producing Shorts can accomplish a lot of things and help you achieve your goals. You can make Shorts for fun, to educate people, to entertain people, and if you’re successful at it you can even make money doing it.

Top 6 Reasons Why People Don't Reach Their Full Potential

Everyday people all across the world are living out a life they are unhappy with. Now, there is a group people who are held back by factors out of their control and that is quite sad to think about. However, there’s an even larger group of people who are under achieving in life due to factors that they can control. Here’s a list of controllable factors that are the main reasons why people don’t live up to their full potential.