10 Tips For Creating YouTube Shorts

10 Tips For Creating YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts is a newer section of YouTube that is meant to be a competitor to Instagram Reels and TikTok. With the future of TikTok in jeopardy and Instagram having unclear financial benefits, you may want to start making YouTube Shorts. Producing Shorts can accomplish a lot of things and help you achieve your goals. You can make Shorts for fun, to educate people, to entertain people, and if you’re successful at it you can even make money doing it. If this sounds interesting to you, then here are 10 tips for creating engaging YouTube Shorts.

  1. Hook Your Audience: You’ll want to begin your Shorts with a compelling hook that captivates the attention of viewers. Your hook needs to be something that will draw people in from the beginning and persuade them to watch the entirety of the Short.

  2. Videos Will Be Viewed Vertically: Shorts are mainly viewed on mobile devices and swiped through vertically. You’ll want to film the Short in vertical orientation (9:16 aspect ratio) to enhance visibility and engagement. Optimizing your Shorts to be viewed vertically is key to finding success at producing Shorts.

  3. Keep it Short and Snappy: Short is literally in the name of the platform you’re posting the video on, meaning you need to keep the videos brief. Typically you’ll want the videos to be under 60 seconds. The key is to get straight to the point and capture viewers attention quickly.

  4. Focus on a Single Idea: You’ll want to keep your content focused on a singular concept or idea. Keeping your content focus on a singular idea will help you make an impact in a short timeframe and ensure that the video has clarity.

  5. Experiment with Trends and Challenges: Pay attention to popular trends and challenges on social media. Once you identify what these trends are, you can consider incorporating them into your shorts. Experimenting with trends will allow you to capitalize on current interests that people have.

  6. Add Text Overlay or Captions: Many viewers will be watching videos without the sound on, which is why you should consider having captions on your video. Captions will convey your message effectively to people watching Shorts without sound. You don’t want your video to be swiped past by every single person who is watching Shorts without sound.

  7. Utilize Music and Sound Effects: Yes, you should cater to people who watch without sound like the last tip recommended. However, you should also use back ground music and sound effects to enhance the mood, energy, and pace of your Short. Make sure you have the proper licensing for any music you use because YouTube is quick to mute or remove videos that don’t have proper licensing.

  8. Use Attention Grabbing Thumbnails and Titles: Creating visually appealing thumbnails and titles will make people more likely to click on your Short. Most Shorts are discovered in the feed, but you’ll also want to entice viewers to click on your Shorts when seen in search.

  9. Consistency is Important: You’ll want to regularly post Shorts to stay relevant and keep your audience engaged. You should be experimenting with different formats, styles, and topics. During your experimentation the key is to find what resonates the most with your audience.

  10. Engage with Your Audience: Encourage the viewership you have to like, share, and comment on your Shorts. Respond to all comments to increase engagement and attempt to build a community around your content.

In conclusion, it’s a good practice to have fun while creating your content. Creating Shorts works best when you truly enjoy what you do and what you make content about. Don’t be afraid to try new things in order for you to see what will work best for your channel. Gaining a large audience on any social media platform is difficult and shouldn’t be your primary concern. Your main objective should be to create the best content that you can and enjoying the process.

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