9 Questions to Ask When Considering Deleting a Scene

9 Questions to Ask When Considering Deleting a Scene

  1. Does the scene contain a clear purpose?

  2. Does the scene introduce conflict, reveal crucial information, or raise the stakes?

  3. Will cutting the scene alter the story in a significant way?

  4. Is there any character development happening in the scene?

  5. Is the scene harmed by unnecessary information or exposition?

  6. Does this scene introduce new mystery or questions in the readers mind?

  7. Is the scene a turning point for the story’s direction or a character?

  8. Are previous consequences of a prior action displayed in the scene?

  9. Could the scene be placed differently and have a stronger impact in the story?

5 Indicators That You Should Delete A Scene

5 Indicators That You Should Delete A Scene

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6 Common Challenges That Writers Face