Step by Step Guide to Writing a Listicle

Step by Step Guide to Writing a Listicle

First off you may be curious as to what a listicle actually is. For those of you who don’t know a listicle  is just a way of writing an article that presents information in a list format. These types of articles are a popular way to convey information to a broad audience. So, without further ado here’s your step by step guide to writing a listicle.

1. Choose a Topic: If you already know who your target market is then the best way to select a topic is by picking something relevant to your audience. Let’s say you have a blog about movies, an example of listicle you could write is “Top 10 Christopher Nolan movies”. Remember that your topic needs to be suitable for a list format. I recommend you select topics that can be broken down into a series of points or tips.

2. Make an Outline of Your Points: Draft a list of points or subtopics related to the topic you chose. This initial list will be the backbone of your article and are what people will be most curious about. Attempt to have a specific number of points in your list. (“Top 8…” or “7 ways to…” or “10 tips for…”)

3. Create a Title: Attempt to craft catchy a title that will captivate the readers attention. Ensure that the title clearly indicates what the list is about. The best way to craft a compelling title is by using keywords, numbers, and adjectives.

4. Introduction: The first part of your article should be an introduction that sets the stage for your listicle. In the introduction you can outline what the reader should expect to learn, provide context, and explain why the topic is important.

5. Organize Your Points: The points on your list should be arranged in a logical order. If you’re writing an article about who has the most points in NHL history then having Wayne Gretzky at number 5 would make no sense. (This is due to Wayne Gretzky having the most points in NHL history, which is something you should already know.) These points can be organized by category, by importance, chronologically, or by any other relevant structure. Each point should be easy to digest and distinct.

6. Write Brief but Comprehensive Descriptions: You should write a concise description or explanation for each point on your list. Use numbered lists or bullet points in order to maximize readability and clarity.

7. Formulate a Conclusion: This step is similar to writing a conclusion for essays in school, which you probably already know how to do. You’ll want to summarize the key points of what you’ve written and offer concluding thoughts. This is where you’d encourage the reader to take action and possibly ask for a like or follow.

8. Proofread and Edit: Editing is considered by many to be the hardest part of writing. You’ll obviously want to check for spelling and grammar errors. Ensure your article has clarity, is coherent, and provides accurate information. Make revisions until you feel that the article is a professional piece of work that is ready to be published.

9. Publish and Promote: Once you’ve completed your revisions it is time to publish your work. There’s many places to publish your article including blogs, medium, magazines, websites, social media, and many other potential places. Ensure you share your article on social media in order to reach a wider audience.

Bonus Tip: Adding visuals to your listicle has a lot of value. Incorporating images and infographic elements to your listicle will make it more visually appealing. These visual elements can complement your post and enhance understanding of the article.

In conclusion listicles are valuable for both writers and readers. Having a topic broken down into a list format can help a reader get a better understanding of said topic. Lists are easy for readers to consume and allows them to consume lots of information in a small amount of time. People live busy lives and having the access to a listicle over a more traditional kind of article can provide a lot of value for a reader.

Writers can also gain a lot of value from writing listicles due to them being a great way to enhance a writing career. It is also possible for writers to learn about the topic they’re writing about as well. It’s obviously easiest to write about what you already know, but doing research and learning about a topic on the fly is an option.

You can create an engaging listicle that effectively communicates your message and captures the interest of readers by following these steps. The question is will you?

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