6 Common Challenges That Writers Face

6 Common Challenges That Writers Face

Writers face many difficulties throughout the writing process and it’s not always easy to overcome those challenges. Here’s 6 common challenges that you may face on your writing journey and some tips to overcome those struggles.

  1. Dealing with feedback: Many writers will avoid seeking for feedback because receiving it can be emotionally heartbreaking. It can also be difficult to tell the difference between unhelpful criticism and constructive feedback. Not all criticisms are helpful, but it’s important to remain open minded and considerate of everyones opinion. Receiving and integrating feedback is a vital part of the writing process.

  2. Developing Strong Characters: Creating believable and relatable characters will make or break your book. It is absolutely crucial to ensure that you’re developing strong characters that audiences can connect with. If this is something you struggle with then consider building a character profile. These profiles can explore your characters motivations, backgrounds, and desires. This type of depth can add much needed authenticity to your characters.

  3. Finding your voice: Finding a unique voice as a writer can be a struggle and a half. Writing regularly and experimenting with different tones and styles can be helpful. Reading a wide range of books can also help you develop a voice of your own by exposing you to a variety of different voices.

  4. Maintaining Consistency: Once you establish your unique voice and style it’s something you’ll want to maintain throughout the entirety of the novel. This can be a challenging process and will most likely be accomplished in the revision stages. Working to ensure your novel has a uniform tone and style could potentially be your biggest challenge.

  5. Time Management: Speaking of big challenges, time management may result in being an absolute nightmare for you. Setting a dedicated schedule and making consistent progress is ideal, but not always possible. Try to remember every writer faces challenges, but overcoming them is what makes writing such a rewarding endeavour to embark upon.

  6. Writers Block: This is by far the most famous challenge that writers face and surely is something you’ve heard of before. Writer’s block is a common issue where you find yourself being unable to produce new work or carry on with a current project. To combat this many writers just write anyways no matter how bad it is. Some people try changing their environment, engage in a new creative activity, or just take a break. I personally just recently hit a massive wall in a novel I’m working on and decided to just start writing what you’re reading now instead.

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