Is Tiktok here to stay?

If you don’t know what Tiktok is you should probably find out as soon as possible. Tiktok is a social media platform that used to be known as and is constantly getting more popular everyday. The platform is similar to what vine was like before it was shut down by the people who operated it. What Tiktok has though that Vine never did is a heavy music influence, control of the length of videos, and a high popularity among kids in high school.

Tiktok’s popularity among younger people is one of its greatest strengths but is also a gigantic weakness. Being so heavily popular with the youth is bad because it makes it difficult to attract older audiences to the platform. Getting 19-30 year olds is certainly a big struggle for the company and one they’ll need to figure out if the platform is going to be a real threat to instagram anytime soon. The thing is about the young audience though is that humans get older and the platform itself is young as well. Assuming they maintain their popularity then in five years time the heavily 13-17 fanbase will be 18-22 which essentially means time will solve the youth problem if they can’t find a way to. If your target market involves high school students and younger though it’s essential for you to be on this program. Even if that’s not your target market then you should still at least be experimenting with creating content on Tiktok.

One thing that makes Tiktok amazing is the quality of content on the platform. Social media has became like a cess pool that people throw random trash into. Whereas with Tiktok there is a ton of raw talent emerging and these kids honestly might just dominate the content production game. We’re finally beginning to see kids who grew up in a world with social media and they simply know how to do it better than most people. With Vine came a gigantic amount of talent as well with people like King Bach, Britany Furlan, and Thomas Sanders getting wildly popular due to putting out quality content. Expect to see the same quality and popularity emerge from Tiktok in the near future.

Another advantage that Tiktok has is that sooner or later people are going to get sick of Instagram. Social media fatigue is a real thing that Facebook is currently trying to solve right now. What Facebook has been doing is using groups and political discussions to keep people on the platform. Social media is still a young giant and is still in a learning process that must be difficult to navigate for its owners. Snapchat was also looking like a major rival to Instagram before the gram came back to life with a new set of features.

Do you have Tiktok downloaded on your phone yet? Do you think it could potentially be bigger than Instagram? Let us know your feelings towards the social media platform in the comments below or on social media!

Ironically there is no Poxlit page on social media but we sure as hell will be making one very soon.

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