Be genuinely interested in people and listen attentively

This is the ultimate way to bring another human being value to their lives. Imagine you’re speaking about something that you are passionate about and could just ramble about for hours. Now imagine that there’s somebody there with you who is intensively listening and actually making an effort to care about and understand the subject at hand. You’d probably highly value that persons presence and want to be around them as much as you can. Genuinely caring and listening to people ramble about what they care most about has an excessive amount of benefits.

 First of all, being a good listener will 100% result in people enjoying spending time speaking with you. When people like spending time with you they also tend to like you and being liked by people is an amazing thing. This trait is rare and will involve you developing stronger relationships with people. Most people tend to not listen to the person they’re speaking with and just think of what they want to say when you finish talking. There’s a high demand for good listeners and people will without a doubt value you for it.

I’ve personally never met an attentive listener who isn’t in a successful stage in their life. The reasoning for this is simple it’s because everyone likes them. For instance, imagine there’s a well-liked real estate agent named Gloria who is an amazing listener. Everyone Gloria interacts with has a positive experience with her and enjoys the time they have to speak with her. There’s a coffee shop where Gloria goes every morning and always has pleasant 5-minute discussions with the cashier behind the counter. 

This cashiers brother happens to be in the market to buy a home to which the coffee shop cashier tells him about this wonderful woman named Gloria. Tells him how Gloria is such a great listener, sells houses, and always comes into the cashier’s workplace every morning. When Gloria comes into the shop in the next morning the cashier tells Gloria about their brother who’s looking to buy a home. The cashier connects Gloria to a new client which leads to a sale and more money in Gloria’s pocket. 

Gloria has now increased her income simply by attentively listening to someone she sees every day for a few minutes. You never know what value listening to a person you see every day can have. Small periods of attentively listening to people can bring a world of change to your life. You’ll learn things you never knew, develop friendships, possibly connect you with customers, and it will cause people to have a positive perception of you. Word of mouth is the best kind of marketing you could possibly experience. Best way to have word of mouth advertising is by getting people to like you and the best way to do that is by being genuinely interested in people.

This is sound advice for every single human being on the planet. It doesn’t matter where you’re at in life taking the time to listen and be genuinely interested in others lives and perspective will bring value to your life. Will you start being more attentive after reading this? Do you believe getting your points across is more valuable then listening to others?

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