Cable TV Doesn't Have Much Time Left

For a long time now cable television has been losing more and more ratings day by day. The internet is murdering any kind of need for cable television. Yet these services that cable companies provide are making no attempts to make changes to their services. It's odd to see cable television networks not even try to stay in the game. They need to acknowledge that the internet is about to put them out of business.

A big problem for Cable TV is streaming services like Hulu, Crackle and Netflix. Netflix alone is a big scary monster for cable television networks, that really should be feared. Netflix has the perk of being able to binge watch hundreds of shows whenever it is you want. Netflix also has the added benefit of absolutely zero commercial breaks. Which is probably the main reason why people prefer it over cable television. Streaming services are also only around $9.99 compared to the gouging prices that cable companies charge you. 

What has been keeping TV alive in ways is live sporting events and seeing tv shows the second the episode is released. However, you can now illegally watch these events on a program called Kodi that is pre-installed on what is referred to as Android Boxes. Also, multiple sporting companies have been creating their very own streaming services. All these things have been a nightmare for cable television. If they don't do something soon, they won't be around much longer.

How much longer do you think Television has? Let us know on social media or in the comments below how long you think cable tv has left!

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