How to Become a Blogger

Firstly, you are able to write articles in broad spectrum which takes a lot more work than finding a niche. If you’re a solo writer with no employees and you don’t have loads of time, then it is best to find a niche. The best niche is one that means a lot to you and is in an area that you are knowledgeable about. If you’re not well versed in the area that doesn’t mean you are unable to learn. It is always possible to learn the knowledge needed to write about a subject. Especially if it’s something you really love but just do not seem to know enough to write about it.

So now you got your niche all figured out but don’t know where your blog belongs. Luckily, there are literally thousands of options for you to choose from. You can build your own website using tools like squarespace and WordPress which do cost money but really simplify the building of a website. These days you don’t essentially even need your very own website. It is easy to just write blog posts for your social media accounts. I have even seen people use the caption in Instagram posts to write their blog in. Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, LinkedIn and many other social media platforms may not be the best place for a blog but they are places you can put your blog posts. Experiment and find what the best place to host your blog is. Everyone is different, some people may like just writing posts for Facebook while others may completely need their very own website. 

 Luckily for us we live in a world with millions of distribution options. You can absolutely flood cyber space with your content in a way that lots of people will get exposed to. Reaching other people has never been an easier task than it is right now. It is completely possible to promote a blog without spending a dime on ad space. Organically building a following has never been an easier thing to do. You are able to constantly direct message people and share posts to your social media posts all the live long day. 

Another thing to keep in mind when writing a blog is to stay consistent. Consistency is a key factor in the blogging world and many other worlds. Try to at the very least have a post once a week. It will be impossible to develop a steady following if you ghost your audience at random. Promise less than you are able to deliver and make 100% sure that you never skimp out on what you promised. If you promise less than you are able to deliver, then when you post extra it will be a welcome surprise for your audience. 

Remember that your audience always comes first no matter what before anything else. You may get the urge to instantly focus on generating revenue but that won’t be possible if you don’t have an audience. Yes, making money is fantastic but you should want to be a blogger so that you are able to bring value to your audience. In return your audience will value you and give you the opportunity to start generating revenue. Also, do not overdo it on the ads, nothing will scare away people faster than a series of blog posts that is littered ads. 

You should never ever mislead your audience in any kind of way EVER! There is nothing more important than being honest to your fans. The last thing your blog needs is to develop a bad reputation, especially in the early stages of its creation. Being labeled as clickbait is the worst possible thing that could happen to someone trying to develop a successful blog. People will never forget being tricked into viewing an article with a misleading headline. When people talk about your blog you want it to be good things not bad things. Word of mouth has the ability to be your best friend or your worst enemy.

Know your target market very well on a seriously personal basis and know what it is they want and love. In this book there is a whole section on promoting and generating awareness that will go deeper into this subject. However, generating an audience is going to be complicated and difficult if you do not understand what it is that your target market wants. You will also need to know where it is you can find your target market. Facebook groups and hashtags are my personal favourites for finding a target market that best suits what it is that you’re trying to promote. It is super simple to search what people’s interests are and find how they are aligned with what you are attempting to promote. 

As the years pass blogs are not as popular as they once were. However, they’re a good addition to other streams of content. You can transcribe videos or podcast and have them be presented in blog form. You could also use your blog for ideas to the turn into a video or podcast. Even though people are generally nothing more than headline readers blogs are still a valuable source of content. They will definitely be able to help you bring value and be valued.

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