An Overview of Pyschographics

Pyschographics involve understanding consumers opinions, personality, values, attitudes towards life, beliefs, and what they are interested in. Without a shadow of doubt this will be the hardest information to obtain from people. It’s difficult to get an automated system going to receive this kind of information and requires a more human element. Luckily, social media platforms have gotten better at identifying what it is people value and are interested in however, it’s still not a perfected knowledge base.  The best way to obtain this kind of information is by physically getting to know people. 

What kind of personality traits does your target market have? People are complicated some are extroverted and others are introverted. Some are instantly judgmental, and others are able to entertain an idea without accepting it. If your product is a rap album with controversial lyrics you won’t want to target super judgemental people. If you’re promoting a night club then introverts are not going to be the best kinds of people to target. This is a complex set of traits to discover about people but being able to identify key personality traits will make your product that much easier to sell and promote.

Being able to really understand the mindset of human beings will greatly help you in all aspects of life. A materialistic person would certainly want to buy flashy things and stay up to date on the latest tech gadgets. A disciplined person will probably be pretty unlikely to buy into a budgeting or fitness plan since they probably already have their own system for these things. It’ll be difficult to get a fearful person to come out of their comfort zone. An adventurous person has a high chance of being interested in a quality travel blog. People are individuals and complicated in their own right, so you can’t figure out everything but do your best to try and understand. 

What kind of hobbies and interests does your target market have? There are times where specific products will tie directly into people’s hobbies. People interested in fitness and lifting weights might also be interested in buying things like protein powder, dumbbells, gloves, pre-workout, water bottles and other things that may be used when in engaging with the gym life. The things a fitness junkie might buy are not the same things a hard-core gamer would buy though. Someone who plays video games and never works out might be more interested in buying more games, mountain dew, sugary snacks, comfortable chairs and other things that pair well with a night full of playing video games. Really attempt to evaluate what hobbies and interests your product could possibly pair with and then ensure people who participate in those hobbies know about your product. There will usually be a product that pairs with a hobby such as: fashion and clothes, sports and equipment, movies and popcorn, art and paint, music and headphones, gardening and tools and much more.

How to Become a Blogger

An Overview of Demographics