A Brief Overview of Ireland

Physical Factors

Total Population: 5,011,102 

How does population compare to Canada? The population is about 1/7th the size of Canada. Ireland has a much smaller population than Canada. 

Total Area: 70,273 sq km 

How does area compare to Canada? The size of Ireland is over 100 times smaller than Canada’s 9,984,670 sq km’s of land mass. Ireland is not even the size of the province of Ontario.

Climate: Ireland is consistently humid, with cool summers and mild winters. It’s modified by North Atlantic Current and is in a state of overcast about half of the time. 

Physical Features: There are sea cliffs on the west coast. It’s mostly flat with rolling interior plain. There are also beautiful low mountains and rugged hills. 

Capital City: Dublin is Ireland’s capital city. 

Neighbouring Countries: Ireland’s neighbor is the UK with the closest part of the UK being Northern Ireland. 

Three Largest Cities (by population): Dublin 1,273,069 people approximately, Cork 519,032 approximately, Galway 250,653 people approximately.

Political Factors

Head of Government: Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Leo Varadkar (since June 14th, 2017) 

Head of State: President D. Higgins (since November 11th, 2011)

Major Political Parties: Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, Labour party, and Sinn Fein.

Local Address for Canadian Embassy: 7-8 Wilton Terrace, Dublin 2, Ireland.

Address of Embassy in Canada: Suite 1105, 11th Floor 130 Albert St Ottawa, Ontario. 

Government / political system: Republic and Parliamentary Democracy. 

Description of the flag: The flag is comprised of 3 colours. Orange, White and obviously Green. These three vertical bands stick out because of their unusual colour mixture. It’s said that the white holds the peace between the green and the orange. 

Economic Factors

Total GDP: The GDP in Ireland is about $324.9 billion 

GDP per capita: $69,200 per capita. 

Latest rate of inflation or CPI: -0.2% as of a 2016 estimate. 

Major export partners: The US accounts for 23.7% of exports. The UK accounts for 13.8% and Belgium accounts for 13.2% of exports. Also noteworthy are Germany 6.6%, Switzerland 5.5%, Netherlands 4.4%, France 4.4% 

Typical export products: These include Machinery and equipment, computers, chemicals, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs and animal products. 

Major import partners: The UK is the biggest import partner and responsible for 32.5% of Imports.2nd and 3rd biggest are US 14% and France 10.2%. Also noteworthy are Germany 9.3%, Netherlands 4.9% and China 4.1%.

Typical import products: Clothing, textiles, chemicals, petroleum products, machinery and equipment. 

Unit of currency: Euro

Cultural Factors

Languages: English is the official language there. The other official language is known as Gaelic or Gaeilge which is spoken by approximately 38.7% of the population there. 

Religion: 84.5% of people follow the Roman Catholic Religion, with 5.7% being non-believers and the rest of the population is part of either the church of Ireland, other types of Christians or the Muslim faith. There is also a small 1.7% which follows other types of religions. 

Major Newspapers: The Irish Times, The Herald and The Irish Press.

Major Magazines: Business and Finance, The Phoenix and VIP magazine.

Sports: MMA, Boxing, and Football the real kind of football are major sport in Ireland

Persons of Note: Conor McGregor, Colin Farrell, Liam Neeson, and Pierce Brosnan 

How does this country differ from Canada? Unlike Canada, Ireland has mild winters and is a constant state overcast. The weather leads people to do different activities. People generally refuse to wait in long lines in Ireland, and are shocked when in someone’s home and are not promptly offered tea. 

How is this country similar to Canada? Both countries are 1st world countries with similar ways of life. Both countries also spend a lot of time on their mobile devices.  Even though our climates are different we both share a struggle in being appropriately dressed for the weather.  

Describe a typical Saturday night or Sunday afternoon in this county (that is, what do the people do in their leisure time?) After having a nice dinner that must involve potatoes somehow the Irish are famous for their drinking habits. Going home after one drink in Ireland is unheard of and nobody goes home after the nightclub closes.

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