Use Time Wisely

You’re probably sick of hearing this but use the 18 hours you have in a day in a productive manner. Life goes by fast you don’t have any time to waste fucking around. I get that Friends is an amazing show but at least try to be productive while binge watching it. It is now 2018 multitasking is the new sliced bread hop on the hype train. It is totally possible to write a book, do school work or put in a workout while doing things like watching TV shows. 


Procrastination is the number 1 killer of productivity and success. There are so many people who would be millionaires if they stopped procrastinating and just got to work. If you procrastinate because you hate putting in work, then you need to find work you actually enjoy doing. If you love what you do, then procrastination will be a much easier thing to avoid. You can do anything but if you never do anything then nothing will ever get done. It may seem obvious, but some people just don’t seem to understand that.


We don’t have an unlimited amount of time on this planet and regret is a horrific feeling. Live a life that when your older will never let you say the words “I wish”. Do things that you are able to be proud of later on in life. Leave a legacy behind and have great stories to pass on to others like your children. If you think you regret wasting time now wait till your 60 and you will know what real regret is like. 


Although regret is bad there is always still time to get ahead and do something. If you’re 50 years old, you are only at half time and still have another half to play. Under 25? You haven’t even reached the end of the first quarter yet stop worrying and turn the game around. Stan Lee’s first hit comic was “The Fantastic Four” which he didn’t happen for him until he was already 38. Sam Walton didn’t open up the first Walmart until 1962 when he was 44 years old. Betty White didn’t get her first big gig as an actress until she was 51 years old. There is still plenty of time for you to get successful and make it big.

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