15 Ways to Make Some Extra Cash

In order to survive most people obtain jobs that they usually work for 8 hours a day. These jobs don’t always give us the amount of money that we desire. Sometimes you need to go above and beyond outside of your job in order to make enough money to live your ideal lifestyle. Here’s a list of ways you can make some extra cash in your spare time outside of work.

  1. Cutting Grass: People tend to have busy lives and don’t want to spend time doing chores like cutting their grass. This leads people to hiring someone else to cut the grass for them which is a great opportunity to make some extra money. Get out a lawnmower and start performing what seems to be a difficult task for people who have no interest in doing it themselves. Make flyers to distribute, create Facebook posts advertising your service, go door to door, and use any other method you can think of to advertise that you are willing and able to cut their grass for them for a price of course.

  2. Snow Removal: Just like cutting grass you are able to perform snow removal services for a price. No normal person wants to go out and shovel their driveways. Snow = cold and cold is something that people desperately attempt to avoid. Experiment and see what price people in your area are willing to pay and go out there and start making some money by shovelling people’s driveway. Also, investing in a snow blower will allow you to take on more demand than if you’re only using a shovel.

  3. Write a Book: Back in the day publishing a book was a difficult and expensive task. Luckily, the internet was invented and this process has become much easier ever since. You now don’t need to ever print a single book and can distribute all of your work digitally. There’s also now services that’ll create physical copies of your book for a percentage of revenue. So if you are a creative person or have knowledge that people can get value from then start writing a book and develop a passive income.

  4. Pet Sitting: Instagram and other picture based services have led people to be more knowledgable about geography. This geographical increase in knowledge has led people to be more likely to travel to another country. The spread of the travel bug is a great financial opportunity if you love caring for animals. People who love to travel also tend to have pets that they love and want the best possible care for. Sadly, it’s hard to take an animal on vacation with you especially when traveling internationally. Therefore, these people who love traveling need someone to take care of their pets for them. This creates the ability for you to do something you love which is spending time with cute animals.

  5. Artistic Pursuits: If you possess artistic based skills then that means there is plenty of opportunities out in the world financially. There’s physical paintings that people love putting up in their homes, in restaurants, hotels, and many other places. There’s a big market in crafts right now as well. You could design colouring books and stencils for people looking to spend some spare time doing artsy things. The best part is with distribution channels like Etsy it has never been easier to sell your artistic products.

  6. Online Art: There are plenty of people with online businesses in this day and age who are constantly in need of design based products. Website design is always a big market place amongst online entrepreneurs. People are also in need of things such as flyer designs, business card designs, photoshop editing, infographics, logo design, and many other art based products. Fiverr is an amazing place to find clientele who are in need of these services.

  7. Residential Cleaning: Theres good money to be made in cleaning people’s homes. Most people hate cleaning and if they have the extra money will gladly pay someone else to do it for them. Real estate agents also love to ensure that a home they’re about to show is clean before they show it to potential buyers. Always keep a look out for potential cleaning opportunities especially if you’re anything like Monica. Best part is you can get repeat clients who will hire you again if you do a good job.

  8. Delivery and Hauling services: If you have a vehicle with the ability to carry a load you could always perform delivery services in your area. Everyone knows about the big companies that perform these services but there is always room for the little guy especially if your efficient at completing deliveries.

  9. Cleaning People’s Gutters: This is a task that people hate for two reasons which are that it’s messy and that using a ladder has the potential to be dangerous. Take advantage of these things and ask around the neighbourhood to see if anyone is willing to pay you to clean out their gutters.

  10. Event/Wedding Planning: Are you an organized person who has experience planning events? If so then there is plenty of money making opportunities out there for you. People are constantly holding events for vast amount of reasons but don’t have the proper organizational skills to actually pull it off. If you’re an organized person stay on the lookout for people struggling to plan things like weddings, stag and doe’s, bachelorette/bachelor parties, family reunions, art galleries, and many other types of events people organize.

  11. Yoga Instruction: Doing yoga is something that seems to be getting more and more popular every single year. If you have experience in the area or are willing to learn than you could easily get a group of people willing to take a class with you. Yoga and meditation are big in our society and don’t look to be slowing down anytime soon due to things like social media.

  12. Painting: Ever wish you didn’t have to paint or house or a wall inside your home? Well even if you never wanted to avoid the activity there is a lot of people looking for ways to avoid it. If you have experience painting buildings then this could easily be an activity for you to make a little extra cash in your free time.

  13. Local Tour Guide: Do you live in a place that people love to go visit? If that’s the case then you can easily make money showing tourists all the awesome spots that only locals to the area tend to know about. Hashtags on social media can be used to find people going to or already in your area who might be interested in having a tour guide show them all the best spots.

  14. Tutoring: Not everyone is a quick learner and a lot of the time people need a little extra help from someone with knowledge in the area they’re trying to learn about. Whether it be computer programming, math, or English people will always need assistance in learning new things. This creates opportunities for you to be able to share your knowledge for money. So dig up the knowledge in that brain of yours and help others obtain that same knowledge.

  15. Selling Products: The internet has made selling products easier than ever before. You more than likely own a bunch of items that you never use anymore and should sell for some extra cash. There’s lots of distribution channels such as eBay, amazon and my personal favourite Facebook marketplace. You’re probably going to find the most success selling your items locally through Facebook marketplace that way you can avoid shipping costs. If you live in a smaller town though you may need to ship your items to a destination that’s further away. You can also go to sites like craigslist, Kijiji, and facebook marketplace to find items people have listed for free you can then go obtain those items and sell them. Also, garage sales and thrift stores are a great place to find items for cheap that you can make a profit from. Just make sure you do some research and find evidence of people willing to pay a price that’ll generate a profit.

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