Is College Worth the Money?

Probably not is the answer to the title. Unless you really need a degree like lawyers, doctors, engineers, and anything that requires government accreditation do then you will probably feel as if you have wasted your money. If you’re going to school for business or event management, it's probably best to take the money you'd spend on college and invest it into a business the revolves around those things.

College tuition is super expensive, and you really shouldn't go unless you need to. With today's access of information provided by the internet you can really learn anything. If self-learning is something you can't do, then post-secondary school probably won't help much either. Kids these days jump into programs that they don't even have interest in for multiple reasons. Some kids get forced by their parents to go to school. Others are just afraid to be called a loser.

If you're off to school, make sure it's the right choice. Put serious thought into your decision not just skim through some reading material. If you don't need to go to college then you probably shouldn't. There’s nothing more frustrating than getting a useless degree and realizing all your professors did was read a text book to you. Let us know what you think about the schooling system. Do you think post-secondary educations are too expensive to care about? Let us know your thoughts on social media or in the comments below!

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