9 Reasons to Suit Up

Depending where you live suits may or may not be something that is commonly worn every day. However, suits will change your life for the better while you’re wearing them.  

1. You will never have to worry about dress codes. It is always better to be overdressed than it is to be underdressed.

2. You should dress for the job you want not the job you have. A person in a suit can get almost any job.

3. You’re a lot less likely to be bothered by the police. Makes being drunk in public a lot easier. A lot of cops make assumptions about people when on patrol. Most cops usually assume someone rocking a suit means they’re not being a hooligan.

4. You’ll simply look better. Literally everyone looks way better in a well-fitting suit.

5. Feel more sophisticated like you can accomplish anything. Feeling better about yourself is awesome why not take the extra confidence boost that a suit will give you?

6. Success will come much easier. It’ll just feel as if there is more opportunity in the air. 

7. You’ll draw more attention to your life. Who doesn’t love being the center of attention? Attention is key especially in the new social media era we are currently experiencing.

8. It’ll simply make life more enjoyable. 

9. Watch How I Met Your Mother. If nine seasons of watching Barney Stinson doesn’t get it through your head that wearing suits is legend wait for it dary then nothing will. 

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