An Overview of Geographics

Finding out where your target market is can be quite difficult to figure out. Sometimes it is very simple to figure out and other times it can be quite simple. California is not the best place to attempt opening a business centred around winter clothes. Winter clothes will obviously sell better in states like Minnesota or even better go farther north to Canada. A beef-based business isn’t the greatest choice for a country like India. You probably are not going to do well if you’re trying to sell pork in the middle east. It is super important to know the area you plan to sell a product. You need to know where your product can thrive and be found useful. 

 Let’s say for instance you’re manufacturing luxury cars and are attempting to sell them directly to the consumer yourself. You need to think critically and research where people are who may be interested in said luxury cars. Targeting a neighbourhood where the general population is involved with subsidized housing won’t land you very many sales. Nor will targeting an area where the general population is students. In this example situation of selling luxury cars you’d want to direct your advertising efforts to people who live in expensive homes. 

People who own expensive homes are the kinds of people who tend to also purchase luxury automobiles. Someone who lives in a million-dollar home is much more likely to buy a $100,000 car than somebody who lives in a studio apartment. Multitudes of research needs to be done before you start targeting your advertising efforts to a specific area. The slightest error could result in you not being able to locate your target market. Being unable to locate said target market will most certainly make it impossible to generate any kind of significant revenue. 

It is quite easy to find your target market when you run a local business in a city that you live in and know like the back of your hand. Nobody knows what people in a specific city need better than somebody who calls said city their hometown. So, if you possess a vast knowledge of the city your currently located in then use that knowledge to your advantage. Always play to your strengths and take advantage of any kind of inside information you may have. 

 In societies current state we have this miracle that people call the internet at our disposal. The internet has made operating an international business fairly easy to get into. Operating on an international scale is a completely different game when being compared to running a locally based business. It’ll take much more effort and research to pinpoint the areas that your product could thrive in. Luckily, you also have the internet to help you identify where those areas may be. Social media can be an excellent tool for discovering the areas where your product can perform at its best. Constantly people will complain about the smallest of problems on social media and if your product can solve these problems for people and bring them value then that’s the area you need to be in.

 There are endless amounts of factors to consider when deciding on where your target market is. For instance, the climate of a specific area may play a large role on whether or not your business could thrive there. Selling surf boards in the middle of Canada won’t go well just like selling hockey equipment in Mexico might not be the best choice. This gets especially important when you are in the fashion industry. The type of weather a region experiences will heavily influence peoples attire selection. Ensure that the product you’re selling can be of use in the climate that you are selling it in. There’s probably a lot of people in Florida who don’t even know what snow pants are so maybe don’t attempt to sell them there. Also, flip flops will only be a viable product to Canadians for approximately 3 months of the year. Don’t try selling flip flops to northern regions in the month of November it is simply not going to work.

 Population density can also be an important factor when deciding on where to attempt to reach your target market. A billboard in New York City will reach a lot more eyes than a billboard in Boardman, Oregon. (Side note billboards are probably not the best way to advertise considering everyone is always looking at their phones and never notices them anymore.). Population density plays a large role in how people behave and what they do within an area. This is a phenomenon that should be sufficiently researched before deciding on where to focus your product sales. Trailer hitches and trucks will more than likely sell a lot better in a small town. It’d be super rare to see a pickup truck towing a boat around Manhattan. However, it’d be a very common thing to see in a small town like Camden Tennessee. 

 Never forget to take into consideration of how population density could affect the usefulness of your product. There’s no point in trying to sell barbeques to people who live in densely populated areas where they don’t have backyards and live in 30 story apartment buildings. A population that tends to live in apartments also won’t need things like gardening equipment, snow shovels or a wide variety of tools since their landlords tend to handle issues that these things would be needed for. That being said it wouldn’t be a great idea to start a window washing service that specializes in high rise buildings in a city like Riverton, Wyoming. 

 Being aware of where your product needs to be geographically present is a key factor in being successful in business. This is something that needs to be thoroughly researched and explored. Ensure that when you bring a product to market that you’re targeting the country, province, state, county, city, region, town or wherever else that your product can bring people the most value.

An Overview of Demographics

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