6 Reasons Why John Walker is a Bad Captain America

6 Reasons Why John Walker is a Bad Captain America

  1. His Inferiority Complex: It’s impossible to properly fill the shoes of Steve Rogers which is definitely a reason why Sam gave up the shield in the first place. Walker obviously understands that he’s nothing compared to Steve and he clearly has an inferiority complex. This inferiority complex shines brightly every time that Walker interacts with Sam and Bucky. It’s essential for Captain America to be confident and Walker is far from confident. This is something that is part of John Walker’s character in the comics as well.

  2. The way he throws his title around: Walker’s willingness to ushers Captain America title to pull strings is something that Steve would never do. An example of this is when he uses his title to free Bucky from a police lock up. Bucky gets arrested for violating his probation and the whole thing could’ve been easily fixed without Walker’s intervention. However, Walker decided to use his title to intervene anyways and showed how he operates. He wanted people to realize he has pull now and that is something that Steve Rogers would never do.

  3. He murdered a man in cold blood: At the end of episode 4 of Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Battlestar, Walker’s partner whose real name is Lemar Hoskins, is killed during a confrontation with the Flag Smashers. Walker losing his partner makes him absolutely lose all sense of control. His feelings are justified in a way, but the way he viciously murders one of the Flag Smashers with his shield is a bad look for Captain America. Walker could’ve easily detained the Flag Smasher he caught but decided to murder him in front of dozens of witnesses who were also filming the event. Steve Rogers would’ve never murdered anyone that could’ve been easily detained while they were helpless. The blood on the shield and suit are a massive blow to the reputation of Captain America and what the shield represents.

  4. His perspective of Steve’s friends: Steve Rogers always saw Bucky, Sam, and anyone else who fought beside him as his equals. However, Walker made it clear during a conversation with Sam and Bucky that he didn’t see them as anything more than Cap’s wingmen. This conversation also shows that if Bucky and Sam fought alongside Walker that they’d be seen as nothing more than sidekicks.

  5. Walker has anger problems: As Walker gets more screen time it becomes more obvious that Walker has an anger problem. The lack of respect, getting beaten by the Dora Milaje, getting beat up by the Flag Smashers, and the way that Sam and Bucky talk down to him are all factors of his anger. However, Captain America should be able to overcome such things. The fact that Walker let’s his anger get the best of him is not a good trait for Captain America. Whenever Steve would get beaten up he’d get up and never be surly about it. Steve even has several moments in the MCU where he simply gets up and says “I can do this all day” showing that he never gets discouraged by defeat.

  6. He thinks the costume makes the man: Walker seems to think that simply wearing the Captain America suit and holding the shield makes him deserving of special treatment. He believes that the suit grants him some sort of authority simply because of his title. Walker hasn’t done anything deserving of special treatment, yet he constantly acts like he’s worthy of endless amounts of it. Steve made that suit the symbol that it is and Walker needs to carry that same attitude if he wants to be a fitting Captain America. There’s a reason why Steve was worthy of lifting Mjolnir and it’s clear that Walker doesn’t have the same traits that’d ever make him able to do the same.

Walker is without a doubt a good soldier. However, Steve was perfect as Cap not because he was a good soldier, but because he was a good man.

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