Stop Being Dependent on Others

In today’s society, a sense of entitlement has been growing within people more and more every day. These people feel as if they deserve to be valued and should be valued by the general public. However, in reality they aren’t actually doing anything that brings anyone any kind of value. In life people are not just going to hand you things and if they did it would in no way help you grow and learn. Taking handouts does nothing but create a dependency on said handouts. In central park in New York City there is a wide array of signs that set out park etiquette guidelines. One of these guidelines is to never feed the animals that are in the park. 


Signs like the ones in central park don’t exist because people hate these animals like some may instantly assume. The signs guiding you to not feed the animals are actually in place to help with the survival of those animals. If people constantly came to the park and just handed these animals food, they would become accustomed to that. Now that they’ve gotten used to constant handouts they will slowly forget how to obtain food on their own. They become dependent on that handout without it they may not be able to fend for themselves anymore and die. Humans are more complicated and better equipped to adapt to new environments but, the same core concept still applies. Handouts will not last forever and nobody wants to see anyone else not be able to fend for themselves and struggle when their handouts disappear. 


Now receiving handouts whether from your parents, other family or the government may be something you have already grown accustomed to. WELL STOP RIGHT NOW JUST STOP. A little shock and awe will motivate you and break any dependent habits that you may have obtained. In today’s society, anyone with access to an internet connection can accomplish greatness. The number of avenues that can be travelled down in today’s society are endless. There are people who literally make a living from playing video games. Some of these people making money off playing video games aren’t even good at said video games. 


We live in a world of endless opportunities especially when businesses are able to thrive like they are able to in today’s current economic landscape. Instagram influencers, Facebook marketers, YouTube personalities, Twitch streamers and Amazon affiliates are all opportunities that people now make thousands upon thousands of dollars from. The crazy part about these income generating practices is that none of them existed ten years ago. However, just knowing that these endless opportunities are out there should be enough to give you the confidence to ditch any kind of dependency on others.


You can make it, you can do anything, you can accomplish every single thing your heart desires I believe in you. Anything and everything is possible always have realistically goals in mind but, never be afraid to shoot for the stars. Sky is the limit and you could easily be floating on cloud 9 by this time next year. The possible opportunities or as I like to call them “possibilititunities” are always out there just waiting to be capitalized on. Start as soon as possible the earlier you start the quicker you get to the finish line. 


Now don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with accepting help from time to time though. One person simply can’t do everything. Make sure you are pulling your own weight though and not mooching. Just because you can get by doing the bare minimum doesn’t mean you should. The concept of achieving personal independence is a liberating feeling that will change your life completely for the better. People won’t be able to play with your emotions as easily when you’ve reached a state of personal independence. You will develop a lot more self-esteem which will make life easier than it currently is now. When you’re able to start valuing yourself then you will be able to bring value and be valued by others as well. 


Personal Independence is not the only perk of not depending on anyone and supporting yourself. Financial independence is also something you will achieve in this process. Now money is not the secret to happiness but it’s still pretty nice to have. When you depend on others for money you can get stuck being a slave to others demands. Live life on your own terms and don’t let anyone or any intuitions dictate your life choices. Being able to comfortably pay your bills is always a nice perk. 


All in all, the confidence boost alone is worth ditching things you’re dependent on. Fending for yourself in life is the most rewarding thing you can do. Ditch the dependency on others and take control of your own life. It’ll be easier to obtain a feeling of success if you achieve independence first. Being happy is the key to life and happiness is much easier to obtain when your self sufficient.

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