Some tips on how you can help the environment

The health of the environment is something that has dominated news cycles for quite some time now. Climate change worries a large amount of people and doesn’t look like something we should be taking lightly. There’s plenty of debate over things like carbon taxes, what’s impacting the environment the most, what a future with climate change will look like, and many other things involving climate related subjects. These political arguments though are taking away the limelight from what’s important though which is maintaining a healthy environment. 

The end probably isn’t near, but we should still do everything we can to ensure that the environments health is a priority. We to value the planet that brings us endless amounts of value. Sadly, on an individual level we are not able to stop mass polluting by factories, deforestation, or wars that take a devasting toll on this planet. Not being able to stop those things alone though doesn’t mean that we can’t play a big part on an individual level when it comes to impacting the environment in a positive way though.  

Recycling seems pretty basic to most of us in our current society, but it is still something that isn’t done enough. Cans, cardboards, plastic materials, and multiple other recyclable materials are still thrown into waste containers that are destined to be brought to a landfill. An easy way to positively impact the environment is by ensuring that we dispose of recyclable materials properly. It may seem like a hopeless cause, but it is still a cause that is worth putting effort into. 

Limiting our use of plastic shopping bags is another easy way that we can positively impact the environment. If you can carry the items, you purchase at a store without a plastic bag then you shouldn’t use them. Also, using reusable bags is a great way to limit the number of plastic shopping bags we use. A lot of stores now charge 5 cents per plastic shopping bag so in the long run using reusable bags will not just help the environment, but it will save you money too. Reusable bags bring value to your environment and your wallet. 

Reduce the amount that you use your printer at home is a great way to help protect the environment. Using excessive amounts of paper is something we have done for a long time. Letters used to be the go-to way to communicate over long distances. Luckily, the future has come and our need for letters has drastically increased due to things like texting and email. Try to utilize these new technologies and prevent yourself from printing something that could be sent in an alternative way. If you’re in school and have an assignment to hand in try to see if the teacher will let you print on both sides of the page to reduce environmental impact. 

Another great way to have a positive impact on the environment is by using reusable beverage containers. Constantly buying drinks that come in a container that you’ll only use one time creates a whole lot of waste. A reusable container for drinks like a metal water bottle is another thing that will bring value to the environment and your wallet. This habit will result in you buying drinks in bulk which is cheaper, and a lot of coffee shops even offer a discount to customers who bring in their own container for drinks.  

A gigantic way to help the environment is by limiting your use of electricity. Ensure you’re using energy efficient light bulbs which use less electricity and they last longer which will save you money. Don’t depend so heavily on your air conditioner it doesn’t need to be running 24/7 and there certainly isn’t much point in having the machine operate while you’re not home. Also, with air conditioners people tend to be quick to turn it on once they get a little hot but realistically there’s a lot of times especially in between seasons where this is not necessary. Saving on electricity is a very easy thing to do and will take minimal effort and will save you money on your hydro bill. Turn off lights, appliances, televisions and everything else that’s electrical in your house when you go out. Unplug your phone chargers when they’re not in use. These simple things will make an enormous positive impact if we all do them. 

Water is one of the most wasted things we use on a daily basis and is horrible because we depend on it for so many things. When you’re brushing your teeth turn the faucet off when it’s not being used. Limit how much water you use to wash your dishes and cutlery. Take bathes instead of showers and don’t turn that shower on until you’re ready to hop in it. Changing these habits will be good for the environment and your wallet will be fatter as well.

Burning fossil fuels is one of the worst things that we do to the environment and is exactly why you should avoid driving as much as possible. If where you’re going is on a convenient bus route, then give public transportation a try. Bicycles are a fantastic way to cover distance without burning fossil fuels while still traveling decently fast. Walking is always an amazing alternative to driving as well and the exercise will help you be healthier as well. If you have a place that you drive to everyday like school or work, then you should try and see if anyone else there lives close to you.  If there are people you work with who live in your area, then try to make an arrangement with them that will allow you all to carpool to work or school. Carpooling is a great way to build stronger relationships with your peers, it’s good for the environment, and splitting the cost of gas will allow you to have more money for yourself.

Using digital products is another way that can limit the amount of waste we produce. If you buy music in a digital way or use a streaming service, then you won’t have any of the waste that’s created by the packaging of CD’s. Reading E-books instead of physical copies of books will reduce the amount of paper being used for printing. Having a digital copy of a movie will prevent you from having waste that comes from the packaging of a DVD. Next time you go to purchase a form of entertainment stop and ask yourself if there’s a more environmentally friendly digital alternative. 

 Attempt to always buy used products when it’s possible to do so. When you need things like a desk there’s really no need to get a brand new one. A used alternative can save you a ton of money and can also save a tree in the process. If you usually shop online and get products shipped to you from across the country then it’ll be even more helpful to buy a used desk that you found locally.  

Reducing food waste is something people don’t realize is a big deal. The amount of food that winds up in landfills every single day is astronomical. Food will eventually turn into a gas called methane that is destructive to the environment. Not only is the creation of methane bad but you also have to account for the energy and water that was needed to produce that food. On top of squandering resources there’s also the obvious fact that wasted food could’ve gone to a less fortunate hungry person. 

Cutting down on food waste can be a bit of a challenge but it’s one worth taking on. Making a plan can be helpful to not buying more food than you’ll be able to eat. Having an idea of what your meals will be for the week can be an essential way to reduce food waste. Keep track of how much of the food you buy goes in the trash this can help you determine how much food you actually need next time you go grocery shopping. Understand what expiration dates really mean because they don’t always mean that the food is unsafe to eat. Don’t throw out a perfectly fine loaf of bread just because your two days past what the best by date is. Expiration dates refer to quality and not when it’s unsafe to consume the product.


Also, a quick google search will direct you to food kitchens and food banks. Giving food to people who need it is a much better idea than simply throwing it out. The action of donating your food brings value to the environment and someone’s rumbling tummy. Remember these places only accept non touched foods not leftovers. When it comes to leftover’s you got to learn to love them. 

There is a way to even conserve the food you don’t finish at restaurants and buffets. When it comes to dining out always take it home if you can’t lick the plate clean. Taking home leftovers helps the environment and helps you save time by not having to cook at a later date. If you ever like to go to buffets aim to take a smaller plate that you know can be finished. It’s really tempting to put pounds of food on your plate but it’s better to make more trips and use a smaller plate.   

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