Smart Toilets Need to Become Mainstream

No this article is not discussing those weird air drying toilets with lights and amazon Alexa speakers. The smart toilet this article is discussing involves a toilet that would track your health. A toilet that could do things such as diagnose diseases, read hydration levels, and send any relevant information to your physician. Most of us spend 99% of our time not in a doctors office and smart toilets could give doctors access to information from that 99% of our lives that they don’t see us. Having consistent and accurate health information for our physicians is something that wearable technology like smart watches is already attempting to accomplish.

The use of smart toilets could also prevent medical professionals from needing to collect and test things like stool and urine samples. In essence not needing to collect urine and stool samples would mean that more free time would be available to medical professionals. Medical professionals being able to free up some time could have enormous positive effects on society as whole. Freeing up their time could even lead to longer life spans.

This is a technology that engineers need to be putting some serious effort into because it could literally save thousands of lives. Not only could it diagnose potential diseases but smart toilets could also tell you if you’re properly hydrated. Staying hydrated is important and knowing when you need more water could have serious positive health benefits. Having all this information send right to your smartphone would be lovely and would allow us to understand our bodies better. It’d also give medical experts more insight into what your life looks like health wise.

Do you think smart toilets are a good idea? Would this be a purchase that you would make?

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