How to Use Facebook Effectively

Facebook is the long time and current top dog in the social media world and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. With a genius like Mark Zuckerberg as CEO of the company it’s not surprising that Facebook has been such a dominant force in the social media world. Some people tend to think that the platform isn’t what it used to be, but 2.27 billion monthly active users are proof that isn’t the case. Facebook is a company that understands how to bring value to people. This understanding of value is the exact reason why over 25% of people on the entire planet are Facebook users.

In my opinion Facebook has the best paid advertising system on the planet at the moment. The platform has such a gigantic amount of information on its users that it is simple for them to present your ad to a very specific kind of person. If you have a great understanding of your target market, a valuable product, and a visually appealing ad then you will see amazing returns on your initial advertising investment. It’s also currently a cheap investment which is something that is not going to last long. Once giant corporations begin spending the majority of their marketing budgets on social media then these platforms will certainly begin to raise their prices. Right now, you are able to reach 1 million people on Facebook at a fraction of the cost that it’d take to reach a million people with alternative methods like television commercials and radio advertisements. 

Advertising with Facebook is a fantastic idea but it’s one that is becoming more and more popular. Ads on Facebook are becoming more intrusive which may lead to them becoming more and more useless. The intrusiveness of some of these ads are the exact reason why the content of your advertisement needs to be on point and something that’ll captivate your target markets attention. The last thing your brand or product needs is to waste money annoying random people who aren’t situated in your target market. Having content that brings people value is just as important as having a product that brings people value. 

Facebook is a place that is great for long in-depth political conversations. There is nothing some people love more than arguing about politics in the comments section of a Facebook post. This is a wonderful opportunity if you’re a content creator who has messages with political undertones. However, if you’re publishing content with political themes to it than it is important to know exactly who and where your target market is. These political discussions most commonly take place within Facebooks group feature.

What’s really interesting about Facebook right now is the opportunities within the groups section of the platform. There are multitudes of groups that are created so that discussions can be had about a specific topic. You can find groups focused on your favourite sports teams, your favourite politicians, general sport talks, television shows, life tips, business, politics, and just about any topic you could imagine. It’s a wonderful tool if you’re looking for a group of people who share a similar mindset. If you watch a television show but none of your friends watch the same show and you have no one to talk to about it then Facebook groups can fill that void. 

Facebook groups are a fantastic way to distribute content amongst a group of people who you know will see it and have a pre-existing interest in the topic. These groups have admins and moderators though so it’s essential that you don’t get your posts removed for something like blatantly advertising a product. Most of these groups will have a set of rules available for you to read that will ensure you don’t step on anyone’s toes. If you’re posting content that brings people value and isn’t some sort of annoying infomercial, then you shouldn’t have many problems. If you are doing breakdowns of an upcoming sports event, then a related group to that sport is a great place to post it. If you write an article that makes a politician look good, then a group where that politician is the focus is a great place to post it. Use Facebook groups wisely they can be an amazing tool for you to make progress if they’re used correctly. 

Your personal Facebook profile can also be utilized to make progression when you’re creating content and promoting a product. People you are friends with on Facebook and will potentially see the things you post. If the things you post are interesting then the people who see you post it may like, comment, or share it which will help get more eyes on what was posted. Better yet someone may see what you post and tell their friends about it in real life which is amazing because word of mouth is still the most powerful form of promotion. The right person hearing about what you’re communicating has the potential to create an amazing opportunity for you. Anything is possible an old friend from high school sharing your post might be seen by someone who has a podcast and decides to invite you on it because your post caught their interest. 

There are also Facebook pages which are an absolute necessity if you have something you’re trying to promote. If you have a podcast, book, blog, website, brand, item your selling, band, or anything then you should have a corresponding Facebook page to go along with it. Facebook pages give people the ability to like this page and liking the page results in that pages posts to show up in their feeds.

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