Common Sense Isn't that Common Anymore

We have some giant problems as humans at the moment when it comes to using logic. Fake information being spread around the internet is a culprit. There is so much misinformation, alternative facts, fake news and whatever else you want to call it that nobody knows what's real anymore. Previously reliable outlets have even engaged in this spreading of misinformation. This is especially true when it comes to politics. 

On top of all that fake news apparently people's emotions are more important than facts in this day and age. Stating true facts can get you in trouble if it hurts somebody else's feelings. Now me like many others want people to be happy and be able to continue being happy. However, we can't just ignore serious things because it hurts people’s feelings. Facts such as you need money to buy things it's a hard truth, but it is truth. 

At the end of the day misinformation and putting feelings over logic will destroy society as we know it. It's only a matter of time before we are watering plants with Gatorade because we think they need electrolytes. It's time to stiffen up those upper lips and deal with things like facts without just avoiding them. It's time to correct and make people who spread misinformation to shut the fuck up. When you read things be skeptical, ask questions, check for sources and see if anyone agrees. You can't 100% trust anything on the internet even this article so be cautious and keep your eyes open.

Are you worried the world is head to a state of idiocracy? Let us know what you think on social media or in the comments below.

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