5 Things That Motivate People to Use a Product

People in this world have needs that they want to fulfill. In order to run a successful business, you will need to satisfy one or more of the needs that people have. The late psychologist Abraham Maslow created a theory that sorted these needs that people have in order of importance. These needs are:


1. Physiological Needs: These needs are crucial to the survival of humans. They are what we need in order to keep our hearts beating. These needs include things like food, medicine, shelter and water.


2. Safety Needs: These needs involve maintaining our physical well-being and protecting us from harm. This includes protecting our possessions and the things we love. For example, we buy smoke detectors to alert us from potential fires, burglar alarms to protect our homes from potential invaders and weapons to keep us safe from those who may wish harm upon us.


3. Social Needs: These needs involve us obtaining things like love and friendship. Although you cannot sell people friends and love you can give people tools that make these things easier to obtain. For example, dating apps like tinder, plenty of fish and bumble make it easier for people to find love. Other social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram help us stay connected to people we care for even when they are thousands of miles away. 


4. Esteem Needs: These needs are focused around things we strive to accomplish like self-respect, social status and personal achievements. This differs for every individual and what they feel they may need to be cool. For example, some people buy flashy cars to try and earn admiration from other people. For others it’s attire like suits, dresses and shoes in order to accomplish a positive public image. 


5. Self-Actualization Needs: These needs involve us achieving a sense of personal fulfillment. For example, many people on the planet obtain personal fulfillment from seeing the world and traveling. These are needs that will enhance a person’s life experience. 


It is crucial to understand what these needs are within the business world. If your product helps people satisfy one or multiple of these needs, then you should see progression within your business. Get a good understanding of what consumers need and then gauge your product to people looking to have those specific needs satisfied.  

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