104 People Arrested in London for Breaching Coronavirus Regulations

British police claim that they arrested 104 people in London on Thursday, November 5th 2020 for breaching coronavirus regulations. More arrests may have happened throughout the night as police operations continued on after this initial count.

On Saturday, October 31st, 2020 Prime Minister Boris Johnson ordered England back into a national lockdown that started on the morning of Thursday, November 5th, 2020. This lockdown was ordered because the UK reached the one million COVID-19 case mark and a second wave of infections may overwhelm health services. Scientists say that if the recent surge of infections is not dealt with then it could cause more death than the first initial wave did. A first wave which led to a three month long lockdown earlier in the year.

The current restrictions that were imposed to limit the spread of the coronavirus didn’t prevent people from gathering in central London. This gathering in central London is what led to the arrests of 104 people on Thursday night.

The lockdown involves pubs, gyms, and other non-essential shops being forced to close for four weeks. After the 2nd of December, the restrictions will return to the tiered system that was formerly in place. However, schools, colleges, and universities can stay open during this time. The UK is not the only European country who has seen an uptick in cases, with France and Germany undertaking similar actions to help limit the spread.

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