Water 1 of the 6 Essential Nutrients

As you probably already know water is extremely important to continue doing the whole living thing that you hopefully enjoy. You won’t make it more than a few days without consuming any water. Even being slightly dehydrated can cause Impaired physical and mental functions. Headaches are most commonly caused by not drinking enough water as well. Attempt to avoid getting your water consumption through sugary drinks like sweetened teas, coffee, soda, fruit juices, and lemonade. 

The best source of water is to drink natural water right out of the tap or bottle. If you absolutely can’t stand plain water then try adding a slice of cucumber, a squeeze of lemon, or a squeeze of other citrus fruits. You can even get a little extra water consumption from eating fruits that contain a large amount of water. 

Water does so many things that will help your body function in a healthy way. Water will assist your body in flushing out dangerous toxins. Your body also needs water to transport other nutrients throughout the body. It even prevents constipation, works as a lubricant, and most importantly will keep you hydrated.

Vitamins 1 of the 6 Essential Nutrients

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